OK, since we’re doing just that, I’ll answer the question! It’s simple… so that people who want to make a relevant, creative statement about their deeply held faith have some great resources to do just that! Yes, I know you’re looking for a better explanation than this, or you probably wouldn’t be wasting your time reading this. So let me explain.
If you haven’t looked around at what most people are wearing these days, it’s no longer the simple stuff that people were happy with just a few years ago. Everywhere you look, people are wearing trendy, stylish designs, even tattoo art on their t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, sweaters, coats, sweatshirts, pants, hats, bags, jewelry, shoes and more! Skulls, crossbones, swords, knives, flowers, eagles, people, tribal patterns, and every other tacky element you can think of has landed on clothing near you. Under the skillful direction of a new generation of artists and designers, clothing is being made and sold to the masses. One famous (secular) T-shirt company alone, whose name I will not mention, sells over 50,000 T-shirts a month at an average price of $50! Do the math yourself. That’s one company out of hundreds riding this fashion wave all the way to the bank. There are other companies selling the same type of shirts for over $150 each. On the other hand, could you imagine how many people could get your message if this t-shirt was your canvas? Men Plain Sweatshirts
So how does this fashion movement affect the average Christian? Well, it’s not that we think the items themselves are “Christian” as some claim. But whether you like it or not, we have all voluntarily or involuntarily subscribed to a certain fashion perspective. People remember you, and unfortunately, they often judge you based solely on the type of clothing you wear. No, that’s not always true, but it’s a fact, and besides, you’ve probably been guilty of it yourself at some point. But even if you don’t have the best clothes, you can work with what you have to fit in, stand out, or show the people you deal with every day what you want. Your clothes express who you are, so regardless of your budget, choose a style that best represents you. You can also have multiple styles. And of course, your work attire can be a completely different theme!
Fashion is also a statement about your culture. Some cultures encourage creativity and diversity in fashion, while others suppress or even condemn it. Have you ever seen some of the extremist Mormon church leaders who have multiple wives? If so, you will agree that they have clearly made their own fashion statement. This is because they forbid their communities to mix with others outside their circles. That is religious control, and it affects much more than just the closet. They are always twenty years behind the rest of the world because they have a strong conviction to be separate, but for some reason twenty years later what they condemned before is now acceptable. Unfortunately, those who live under cultural or religious constraints can rarely appreciate creativity and diversity outside their own circles, because if it is different from them, it must be wrong!
It really doesn’t matter if you like this type of clothing or not. It’s a niche market, but for heaven’s sake, don’t ban people from having a little creativity in their closets. Sure, I know there are some things that are distasteful and shouldn’t be worn by an animal, but throwing it all away just isn’t the answer. I think it’s time for people of faith to stop fighting the culture and learn to infuse it with our own creative expression. If we want to change the direction an industry is going, we have to penetrate it and take ownership of it. No, really, this is not just an opinion. It’s a biblical principle. Wholesale Hoodies & Sweatshirts
What am I talking about? About Babylon. Have you ever thought about why God allowed Daniel to be captured as a child and taken to Babylon? In fact, all his people were made slaves to Babylon. I don’t know what you know about Babylon, but you can read enough about it in the Bible and other historical accounts to know that it was not a kingdom known for its godliness. In the Revelation of John, this cursed city is even mentioned several times, and yet God strategically allowed this young prophet to lose his family and be forced to become a servant of the government of that empire. As you know, this was only a means to an end. During this painful process, God granted Daniel’s favor as he grew and excelled in learning the language and protocol of this “worldly” government, eventually exerting a profound divine influence on both the leaders and the citizens. Daniel literally brought the kingdom of God to the kingdom of Babylon, as God allowed him to ascend to a high-ranking position of influence and authority. So why don’t we think more strategically today? The Kingdom of God is supposed to be INSIDE the cultures of the world, but because of unfounded religious ideas, some “Christians” are busy living in their own culture OUTSIDE the “world” they are supposed to reach, and are doing very little to reach it. Obviously, we have missed the mark. So what does this mean? By rejecting the culture around them, voluntarily or involuntarily, they have created a culture of their own. You only get in if you talk like us, dress like us, and believe everything like us! How disgusting and self-centered religion can be. And this created culture is usually defined by what they reject and condemn rather than God-given creativity, equality and tolerance of others.
I think it’s time we stop fighting the culture and engage in the process required to gain favor and influence in the “kingdoms of this world.” I say we should allow God to make us a blessing to the cultures, communities, governments and citizens of the empires and countries in which He has placed us. That is what the Kingdom of God is all about! However, to be relevant and effective, we must learn the language of the culture in which we find ourselves, as Daniel was forced to do. You cannot speak in a language that only other Christians understand. The apostle Paul says, “Christ is in you, the hope of glory.” This means that your message of Christ to others should be a message of hope, and you will never give people hope if you cannot speak their language. If you love someone, you will look for common ground with them so that you can build a relationship with them, and that is the foundation on which the most effective evangelism is built. Here is the biblical foundation…. look at 1 Corinthians 9:
19 For though I am free from all men, yet I have made myself a servant to all, that I might gain the most.
20 And to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain those who are under the law;
21to those who are without law, as to those who are without law (for they are not without law before God, but under law before Christ), that I may win those who are without law.
22 To the weak I became as one weak, that I might win the weak; I became all things to all men, that by all means I might save some.
23 And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be made partaker with you.
Together we have the great commission to proclaim the message of hope to the world today, but we must do so using the language of the culture we wish to address. If you don’t know the language, take some time to learn it. Babies learn to communicate naturally by simply listening and trying to imitate the sounds. You can do the same if you are willing to try.
So you wonder what the purpose of cool looking Christian t-shirts is? We are simply taking advantage of a popular art form in today’s culture and trying to make it an effective way to communicate a message of hope to the world around us! We communicate in the language they know and speak. Just think of these creative designs as modern parables. It is our method of evangelism and inspiration to the world around us. The biblical prophet Daniel was chosen by God to rise to leadership in the kingdom of Babylon after spending some time learning the language of the culture and government to which he was sent to be a leader and voice in his time. Although God had placed Daniel in this strategic place of influence and responsibility, it was Daniel’s duty to learn to communicate effectively so that he could excel in his task. As you know, he did so and became the third greatest ruler in the government of Babylon. Wouldn’t you agree that this brought more glory to God than if he had died in prison and cursed the government God had sent him to be a part of? Wholesale Clothing Supplier in UK
Cool Christian designs on t-shirts, other apparel, and creative gifts are on the rise to creatively present Christ/truth to today’s generations in a language they can understand while providing a great product for everyone to enjoy. As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” So it’s time to vote YES to this modern method of evangelism and BUY A COOL T-SHIRT!