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The main problem of graphic design

The main goal of design is to convey a certain thought about the design object (see the article on the definition of graphic design ). It follows from this that design is just a form, that is, an external expression of thought. However, words, sentences, language are also a kind of expression of human thought. So what’s the difference? The difference is that language, as a form, is more specific and at the same time less universal than design. The language uses symbols with content pre-assigned to them, and design, in turn, uses images whose contents are very conditional and intuitive. Thus, the language has clarity, clarity and concreteness, while design is characterized by universality, abstractness and relativity.

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We illustrate the above with an example. In shows the icon. Everyone understands what is painted on it. People from different countries can easily guess the content of this image.

Home icon

The same word is written in six different languages. Each word will be clear only to that person who knows the corresponding language, for all others the content of this word will remain unclear.

Lettering House in six languages

Naturally, the above pros and cons of language and design determine the scope of their application. Design is applied where the use of words and sentences is inefficient. Agree, it is much easier and more convenient to draw an icon with a house than to write the phrase “to go to the home page, click on this text.” The linguistic is used where graphics cannot be dispensed with and the idea should be conveyed very clearly. Here we are smoothly approaching the main problem facing design and hiding in its very nature.

Imagine that you need to create a logo for a company that produces beef stew. How to formulate in one single sentence (which should form the basis of the logo) such a complex phenomenon. Here we must mention that the company is stable, exists for 40 years on the market, uses environmentally friendly raw materials, its products are tasty, it is constantly developing, its employees are happy from working in it and much, much more.

There is no way to cope with language means: not to write a huge list of positive features of the organization on each bank. Then you need to turn to design with its abstractness and versatility. But then again, how can a small picture convey such a huge number of diverse meanings? Any logo for such large-scale phenomena is doomed to wretchedness (in semantic meaning) and meaninglessness. To capture such a number of meanings is theoretically capable of only an absolutely abstract image, which people will interpret as they like. However, who will guarantee that their interpretation will somehow concern the stew.

There is a contradiction. Design in some situations does not reach the goal for which it is intended, because the means that it uses for this are simply ineffective. There is no resolution to this contradiction.Awareness of the problem and the impossibility of solving it is not a reason for joy. If the phenomenon is so complex and complex that the designer cannot describe it by his own means, then how then can the customer evaluate his work? Guided by the principle of “do not shoot the pianist, he plays as he can.” But such an approach is able to give rise in the design environment to irresponsibility and careless attitude to work. What then to do to the customer?

Everything is simpler here. If the design is ineffective in the case of complex and complex phenomena, then they need to be simplified and made more unambiguous. No need to ask the designer to make a logo that reflects the essence of the company, the stew manufacturer. It is necessary to ask to make a logo that would look appetizing and reminiscent of a delicious meat product.

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