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The 7 skills of a 100% remote trainer

After the astonishment and the closing of the rooms, training organizations, whether internal or external, are in the process of switching to 100% distance training. Because they understood that:


The return to the face-to-face is difficult to play as long as the sanitary conditions are not met. That is until the virus has disappeared naturally, or as long as it is not possible to have access to a generalized vaccine or, at the very least, a reliable and authoritative treatment (without being a doctor, it does not seem to be for tomorrow!)

100% remote training is far from being a default solution thanks to the means (virtual classes, digital learning, fiber, and 5G to come) and especially the states of mind that have evolved favorably in its regard. Decision-makers, learners, and especially trainers no longer see the problem in the same way!


Still, the passage is not that simple. It’s not just about taking your face-to-face training and doing a Zoom, a Teams, or a Google meet all day, then asking participants to sign a remote attendance sheet. As Yann Bonizec reminded us last week on this blog, the ADF must be relevant, efficient, and human to prevail.


Technical (equipment, bandwidth, terminals, etc.), educational (the ability of learners to learn independently), organizational (space-time training) conditions are required. And, let’s not forget, the trainers themselves need to get on with it and be convinced of its value.


However, this will not happen with a snap of the fingers. The step between the trainer and the E-trainer is quite high. To be convinced of this, here are the 7 skills that we identify for the E-Trainer.

The 7 skills of a 100% remote trainer

Laparsocopic trainer

Based on our experience and the discussions we had with the trainers we train, we have retained 7 key skills for the 100% remote trainer. These 7 skills apply both for device designers (IF or “engineer in training”) and training facilitators (AF for “training facilitator”).

1- Architect the 100% distance learning system taking into account the techno-educational, regulatory and financial (IF) context


Before embarking on ADF, it is imperative to assess its feasibility. For this, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis of the context at the same time:



Techno-pedagogical: master the choices in terms of equipment and solutions (virtual classrooms, LMS, LCMS, LCTMS, interactive participation platforms, multimedia equipment, etc.), identify the best pedagogical formats, and know how to manage their production, etc.

Content and levels of objectives: does the training cover content of level 1 or 2, or rather 3, according to Bloom’s taxonomy.

Profile of learners: what is their level of learning? Is their training space-time favorable to FAD?

Profile of FAD training facilitators: what is their level of engagement in digital training? Do they have the skills required, in particular the 3 and 6 presented below?


The training engineer can then draw a rough first architecture of the training system: how many virtual classes? What proportion of digital learning? How to organize the intercession?


Finally, he prepares the organization of the FAD, in particular by meeting regulatory requirements.


Deliverables: feasibility study, global architecture, PIF, traceability methods (proof file, quiz, LMS extractions…).


2- Carry out the pedagogical scenario of a 100% distance learning course using pedagogical strategies, methods, and techniques, and appropriate evaluation methods (IF)

Each teaching sequence must be re-examined to transform it from a distance. Remotely, it is possible to carry out 4 types of teaching sub-modalities:


The virtual classroom which, with good equipment, makes it possible to reach a level of efficiency approaching 90 to 95% of face-to-face for “paper and pencil” training,

Self-study through the consultation of digital learning resources when a quality library is already established,

Co-training via work in pairs or trinomials during intersessions of virtual classes.

Field training. It may sound surprising, but distance learning can also be on-the-job training. The trainer can ask learners during intersessions to apply alone or accompanied by a tutor or mentor what they have learned through digital lessons or virtual classes. Laparoscopic trainer


Deliverables: Educational processing matrix, General, and detailed educational scenario …


3- Prepare and animate your virtual classes (AF)


Leading a virtual classroom is not leading a face-to-face. Mastery of techno pedagogical tools is essential. Interactivity is different. It must be reinforced. Where face-to-face an average presentation still occurs, this is no longer the case in the virtual classroom. The level of preparation and animation goes up one rank.


Deliverables: quality slide show, best practice guides for successful CV animation


4- Build its strategy for creating and running a digital resource library (IF)


Distance learning absolutely requires a library of digital learning resources. Training 100% of the time in a virtual classroom is quickly lazy and economically not very profitable (because the groups’ size is reduced from 25 to 50% from face-to-face to remote).


The trainers tare to say here above all the engineers in training must help sum up this library. To do this, strategic choices must be made:


Choose between crowd learning, autoscopy, rental, and production.

Choose the right techno-pedagogical format according to the context: e-reading, video learning, e-learning, virtual reality…?

Choose the right distribution tools: blog, video server, or LMS, LCMS, LCTMS?


Deliverables: library provided and accessible (perfectly indexed)


5- Realize digital resources (IF / AF)


Once the strategy is established, it must be implemented. Training engineers and training facilitators are invited (sometimes summoned!) To produce their resources. Thanks to new IT applications, the exercise reaches almost all trainers who do not shy away from the digital obstacle.


Today, a tool as widely used as PowerPoint can do the trick very well if you decide to learn how to use it (to find out about our offer, click here).


More generally, three key sub-skills must be mastered to produce digital resources:


Master the basic rules of graphics,

Master video editing software (Camtasia) or Rapid E-Learning editing software such as Articulate studio and/or Story Line or simply PowerPoint,

Master the rules for writing and simplifying the content.


Deliverables: digital resources of the types: E-Reading, Video-Learning, E-Learning, VR produced.


6- E-Tutor (AF)


When the training is spread over several weeks, support or E-Tutoring is required. In general, as soon as there is an intersession between two synchronous virtual classroom times, an E-Tutoring device is to be imagined.


For the trainer, this has consequences for his skills. He must be able to:


Build a support path and equip it

Facilitate support sessions using reflective analysis

Adopt a posture of coach or support and no longer just a transmitter of knowledge


Deliverable: support system, animated E-Tutoring sequences


7- E-Evaluate your distance education (IF / AF)


Like any training, distance training must be evaluated. A system must be put in place, tools must be created. More than ever, the trainer must master this evaluation skill:


Architect an E-Evaluation system adapted to the context, starting in particular from the principles of the Kirkpatrick method (for more information click here),

Carry out E-Quiz and E-Test of comprehension,

Set up and support the production of digital reflexivity proof files



Deliverables: table of the E-Evaluation system of his training, E-quiz, Digital evidence file …

Train to acquire these 7 skills


Following the health crisis, and based on fifteen years of digital learning experience, C-Campus has developed an à la carte course of 4 modules, each of two virtual classes interspersed with inter-sessional time. Self and co-training, to enable you to develop these skills.


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