Roses are not just beautiful flowers that are often associated with love. Roses make you beautiful too. You can find out what it can do for you in the following article.
Rose water for skin is also called rose hydrosol by the professionals and it is often a component of many cosmetic products because it contains a number of natural care substances. Rose water works:
- rejuvenating
- refreshing
- antibacterial
- calming
- relaxing
- moisturizing
- antioxidant
- astringent
- non-comedogenic
So, what exactly can rose water do now? Let’s just enumerate!
Refreshing facial toner with anti-ageing
It is the perfect toner after cleaning. What exactly does that mean? Once you use a cleanser on your skin, the pH of the skin is unbalanced. The rose water compensates for this. That is what a toner does. The rose water for skin has an antibacterial effect and is pleasantly refreshing. The rose water comes in the perfect packaging with 50 ml and 100 ml. Simply put 3-5 sprays on the cleansed and dried face. you notice how it refreshes you and you relax? Now the skin is optimally prepared for your care and has even received its first neat boost of vitamin C, which contains rose water. This is the anti-ageing part of the water. It protects against free radicals and skin ageing. For me, rose water is also one of the few toners that my rosacea skin tolerates without any problems. The rose water for skin has been further developed over the years and now contains bitter orange blossom extract and urea in addition to rose blossoms. Bitter orange has an antispasmodic and calming effect and gives our rose water a much more pleasant scent than other rose waters on the market, which quickly make you smell of old grandma.
Shrink pores
You have already read all above. This means that the skin is contracted and large pores are thereby reduced. Again, simply sprinkle a few sprays on your face after cleaning and you will notice how the skin soaks up the rose water and becomes firmer.
Goodbye to pimples and blackheads
Even for blemished skin, rose water is an insider tip. It disinfects the skin, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect without degreasing the skin. My tip: Put a towel moistened with very warm water on the cleansed skin. This opens the pores and the rose water works better.
Rose Water for Face
Rose water for face and skin is sensitive skin conditions that must be handled carefully, and rose water is perfect for skin that is prone to redness.
Herpes goodbye
Herpes will not go away completely, but it will heal much faster and rose water can be applied even with the first tingling sensation, as the antiseptic effect is not to be despised.
Tired and pale face ex
vitamins B, E, tannins and pectin supplement the already mentioned vitamin C, which makes rose water the agent of choice for pale skin. The astringent effect smoothes fine wrinkles. Just spray it on again and my tip for puffy eyes: Apply rose water to cotton pads and place them on closed eyes for 5 minutes if a spray of water is not enough. We come to the use of rose water in make-up.
Prepare the skin If you do not apply your foundation immediately after cleaning, you can apply 2 more sprays of rose water to freshen the skin again.
Intensify pressed pigment colours
Would you like eye make-up with more intensity and brilliance? Spray your brush with rose water. This way you can make an eyeliner out of any eyeshadow. Always a perfect match!
Fixing makeup Try rose water as a fixing spray to extend the durability of the makeup. Simply after you have applied the Behold Setting Powder, spray the rose water over your make-up face at a distance of approx. 20 cm and let it soak in.
Refresh your make-up Just take your rose water for skin with you in your handbag and refresh your make-up in between. A wonderful glow is created.
Rose water is an all-rounder for the whole body. It has a calming effect after shaving and prevents skin irritation. So not just for women! The scent of roses also calms you down just like that. So just spray and breathe in during a stressful moment. It is very popular in aromatherapy for anxiety, inner restlessness and depression. Trouble sleeping? Spray some of the water on your pillow! Also, as a bath additive, rose water and rose oil are amazing. The warm, sweet scent of roses relaxes.
You have already read that rose water is calming. It’s even said to relieve headaches. To do this, apply something to your temples. Also, try a cool compress with rose water and close your eyes for a few minutes.
Sunburn and insect bites
Apply good lotion and avoid sunburn. If it happens anyway, try the rose water as an after-sun product. You will notice how the burned skin is soothed and cooled. The antiseptic effect is another advantage here. It is identical with insect bites.
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But don’t believe that that’s it!