If an oily film appears on the surface of the tea in the mug, it is most likely prepared on too hard water, so a water softener plant is required. Tea masters say that such water greatly spoils the taste of a noble drink. Why it happens? Firstly, an excess of minerals interferes with the extraction of aroma from the leaves, and secondly, it adds a specific aftertaste and after taste. In hard water, essential oils are simply not released, and the taste of tea becomes coarse and “empty.” To taste revealed in hard water, you will have to put more tea leaves and brew them longer. However, with long brewing, essential oils are oxidized, the drink loses its transparency, and the beneficial properties of tea leaves are lost. Vicious circle. In soft water tea is brewed faster and better, the taste becomes more saturated. To get a balanced drink, try to observe the brewing time:
- Black tea – 4 minutes;
- Green tea – 3 minutes or a maximum of 6 minutes;
- White tea – up to 6 minutes.
About soups and broths:
Any soup needs a good broth. In too hard water, the taste and aroma of meat, poultry and vegetables are poorly “digested” in the broth. The preparation time for vegetables in hard water increases that’s why water softener plant usage is increasing day by day , so it will be difficult to calculate it exactly according to the recipe.
If you make pea, bean soup or lentil soup, pay attention: soaking beans in hard water is almost useless – they will cook for a long time anyway.
Water for broth water should be cold at the beginning of cooking and gradually heated. This is especially important in the case of meat and poultry – so that the protein does not curl up and the broth remains transparent, without “flakes”. However, such a “fat” is formed in vegetable broths, it must be removed. If the broth boils heavily or boils, it will again become cloudy. The broth should “languish.”
The ratio of water and ingredients for the broth:
Water and meat / poultry: 2-3 liters of water per 1 kilogram of pulp or meat with bones.
For vegetable broths you need 2 liters of water for 450-500 grams of vegetables Add water to the broth, which is already cooked, is not worth it. It will turn out less rich, “diluted” in taste. The longer you cook the broth or soup, the stronger the taste is extracted from meat and vegetables, but the water boils away. Therefore, it is better to pour a little more water in advance than to add in the process.
To get more information click here : Ro plant price in Pakistan