We have been writing articles to help and educate people. The main purpose of this article was to help people who are building their own house or who are being built by a contractor and to let them know the key factors to take into account during civil works construction or construction. construction of the house by a builder or contractor. Another key factor of this article is that the customer must know their construction cost before starting and during civil works construction. After reading articles, people started to approach us and share their problems and concerns with us. We wanted to keep you posted on the site visits we made and the problems we encountered during our visits and we wanted to guide you on how to get rid of these technical problems and errors.
For More information : Construction Companies in UAE
By studying our cases, we discovered that there are mainly 3 problems that customers frequently face.
- Value for money
One of the problems faced by clients is that they do not get the quality of the work for which they pay. Often, contractors and builders charge customers for the Premium Plus grade and build an economy grade. As a result, customers do not receive what they are billed for.
- Technical errors
Due to the lack of technical personnel and skilled manpower, people face many errors and technical errors. Some of the main problems we encountered in almost all the sites were that the walls were not 90 degrees, the doors were not at the same height, the roadmap / work sequence was not correct , i.e. what work should be done at what stage?, lack of labor, misuse of good quality materials due to inexperienced labor, use of poor materials quality on the recommendations of local contractors who, in most cases, have set up commission systems with civil works contractors/ suppliers / agents / resellers of materials, etc.
- Financial uncertainty
Customers do not know how much their home will cost them, as this results in significant delays due to the uncertainty of funds and the line of work. They are not told that this is the amount of money they will need to build their house so that they can organize the funds accordingly. The main reason why all of these problems arise is the pre-construction research of the client. It is the customer’s duty to find the right builder. Meet different manufacturers and compare not only their prices but also their scope of work and their nomenclature. It is strongly recommended to visit their current projects to get an idea of how they work. For example, if there are 10% good builders, it is your responsibility to contact them.
Here, we will give you 3 main steps that will help you finalize your builder and finally select one for the construction of your house. First, a customer must get at least three quotes from different contractors. Remember to select only those manufacturers who wish to provide a written and detailed quote. The citation should include the following three main points:
- It must mention the quality, the brand of the material that will be used in the construction and its price range.
- Secondly, it must mention details concerning the quality of the work which will be carried out, for example, the mixing ratios, the thickness of the slab, etc.
- The third and most important point should be the scope of the builder’s work. A detailed scope of the builder should be mentioned in the citation, for example, it should be clearly stated that during the gray structure what the builder will build and what will not be within his scope. Some builders do not understand the waterproofing, tanks and covered exterior work and inform the client after the start of construction of the house and create an unpleasant situation.
It is very important that the client visits the builder’s current projects to get an idea of his work and his quality of work. The client should also collect feedback from current or previous clients and ask them how their experience went with them. Manufacturers who meet all of the above requirements must then conclude a contract.
For further information and detail click here: Civil Works Contractors