Learning about Makki and Madani Surahs:
Makkee and Madanee Verses really matter. The Muslims began to remain weak and helpless in Makkah, and for several decades they were able to unite all the tribes of Arabia in the worship of Allah.
The turning point of this period was the lynching of the prophet Mecca in Medina. After Hijra, the Muslims finally had a state where they could practice their religion without fear.
It is therefore not surprising that the Qur’an met the specific needs of Muslims in Medina other than it did in Makkah.
In the content of the word, the style and syntax of these two epochs are markedly different, reflecting the different circumstances in which Muslims were present. This topic is about the maliciousness and madness of the passages.
Learn Quran Online for more information. The Qur’an has been preserved to the point that no book has ever leveled it.
This is not a surprise for a Muslim, as Allah has promised to protect himself. g
The Qur’an says:
إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون
Truth be told, it is we who sent the memory of the clown. and deposit. We will keep it (from corruption).
The Qur’an has been preserved so carefully that not only the text;
saved, but also all the knowledge needed to understand it.
Among these aspects is the science of classifying evil numbers and sisters.
and those who are crazy.
The Prophet did not particularly notice whether a passage is malicious or insane, but the companions understood the importance of this subject and kept this knowledge attentive, as it is essential for understanding the Qur’an. Ibn Masood:
said. “I swear by Allah, beside whom there is no other god, there is no Surah in the Qur’an, except that I know where it came from. So knowing the numbers for Makkee and Madanee is really helpful.
Also read the Qur’an online teaching:
And there is not a single verse in the Qur’an except that I know the reason for its revelation. And if there was one who knew more about the Qur’an than I did, it was possible for me
to reach it I would swim (on my camel) to its side (having this knowledge).
Knowledge of Makkee and Madanee Verses.
There are two ways to know whether a passage is just evil or crazy.
The first is to rely on companion reports: In other words, the Guide specifically mentions the place and / or time of revelation, or provides external information from which the time of revelation can be deduced. The second way is through personal intelligence or ijtihaad. According to this method, the scientist will take into account the meaning and style of the passages and will try to “guess” if the passage is malicious or deceitful.
These two methods are not equivalent.
Definition of Makkee and Madanee:
There are three methodologies for defining misguided revelations and insanity.
The first definition is based on the time of revelation, taking the prophet’s hijab as a factor of division.
According to this definition, if a segment is detected before the hijra, it is considered a mass, and if it is detected after the hijra, it is considered to be madanias.
This definition ignores the real place of revelation. Consequently, these excerpts found during the farewell pilgrimage (noon 8), or the conquest of Mecca (10 noon), will by this definition become madna, even if the real place of revelation were. Makkah:
According to this definition, the criterion is again the time of revelation, not the place. This is the strongest of the three definitions because it is of the utmost benefit and is therefore most used by scholars of Islam.