How to Photograph With a Crystal Prism
This image is a “normal” street photo. Overpasses lead the look to the image … through a prism
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A key element of any photo shoot is how you use the light. In this article, you will learn how to separate it. The use of a prism in photographing provides new opportunities and is another way to use light refraction.
Read on to find out about prismatic photography, how to create a rainbow, as well as simply beautiful images that look like multiple exposures, but are made with one swipe of a finger!
What does a prism do with light?
Since the prism is a glass object, the light is refracted as it passes through it, creating several effects that you can use in photography.
There are two ways to use a prism
The projection of a rainbow – a prism, and in particular its triangular shape, acts by sharing light and revealing waves of different lengths in the form of a rainbow. And already you can take a picture of it.
Redirection of light – light can dramatically change direction when passing through a prism. This means that when you look through it, you can see the picture at an angle of 90 degrees to yourself. This factor makes it possible to create a double exposure.
The image clearly shows the rainbow light from the prism, as well as the remnants of the light emitted from different angles
Using a crystal prism to create a rainbow
A great way to use a prism is to create a rainbow. The larger the prism, the more the result is a rainbow. Another way to increase its size is to increase the distance between the prism and the surface onto which you project the rainbow. The difference between these options is that with an increase in the aforementioned distance, rainbow light becomes more diffuse and less intense.
Using a prism, you can create your own rainbow
Also pay attention to how high the sun is in the sky. The angle of incidence of sunlight on the prism affects the angle of the projected rainbow. It’s easier to project a rainbow onto the earth at noon. To project the rainbow horizontally, you need to take pictures when the sun is lower in the sky, that is, after sunrise or before sunset.
Rainbow as a detail photo
Rainbow light is very colorful, and when projected onto a surface, this can create an interesting effect. Look for a surface that is neutral in color (for example, gray or white). Pay attention to surfaces with a pleasant texture.
Twist the prism until you can see the rainbow projected onto the surface you are photographing. You can, of course, take a picture while holding the prism and camera. But it’s good if you have a friend who will help. Since this is a detailed photo, it is better to use a macro lens, but you can find no less interesting compositions using other lenses.
Rainbow in portrait photography
Undoubtedly, one of the most popular forms of prismatic photography is projecting a rainbow onto the model’s face. The rainbow in the end will not be large, and it would, again, be nice if the other person held the prism while you were photographing.
Three images in one frame
You can shoot through the glass those objects that appear inside the prism. Raise the prism and rotate it. You will see the images inside. However, they will not be the same as those directly in front of you. Depending on how you rotate the glass prism, you can see one or two images. It is with them that you can work to create unique multi-exposures with the click of a shutter button.
Lens selection
The best lenses for prism photography are wide-angle and macro lenses.
A wide-angle lens allows you to add a background image to your photo. However, the edge of the prism becomes more visible in the frame. It is not easy to blur the image with the aperture available on most wide-angle lenses.
Macro lens
Most prismatic photography is done using it, since this lens allows you to focus close to the prism and avoid capturing your hand in the frame. The transition from background to image in a prism is also more difficult to detect.
The image was shot with a prism macro lens, and in the end it looks like an optical illusion
Prism Aperture
The aperture that you use for such photographs mainly depends on what you plan to do with the background and how sharp you want the image to be in the prism.
An open aperture of f / 2.8 or greater will certainly work to blur the background. Most photographs need this kind of background in order to achieve the feeling of multiple exposure. This means that the aperture near f / 8 is the right balance between the background and the details and avoids the prism line being too sharp when moving to the background.
Background image
Due to the small width of the prism, even with a macro lens, the background occupies most of the frame. So what works as a background for this type of photograph?
Leading lines –
a background that draws attention to the images inside the prism is used efficiently. It can be a tunnel or a road going to infinity.
Texture background –
more blank canvas for prism images. It can be a brick wall or leaves and flowers.
Since the prism separates your image in the middle, using symmetry on both sides of this separation is a pretty effective strategy.
Using background symmetry can work well in prism shooting
Image in glass
Now the hardest part is getting a good image inside the prism. Images in it may be located at an angle of 90 degrees to the way you are looking, or, perhaps, at an angle of 60 degrees to the edge and front relative to where the photographer is standing. Incorporating this into a background composition is a complex aspect of prismatic photography.
Composition –
you already have a good composition for your background. Now you need to save it, while adding a point of interest that would look good through the prism. Just use trial and error. Change the angle of the prism or rotate it; You can also try moving back and forth.
Adding a model
An easier way to add interest to an image in a prism is to make it a portrait photograph. The advantage is that you can simply ask the model to stand in the right position from which the refracted light passes through the prism.
Adding a model to the composition of this image made the sakura photo much more interesting.
Use fractals
Fractals are another element that uses refraction in photography. They produce prismatic effects, but they themselves do not have a triangular shape. You can take photographs through them without worrying that the images are at an angle of 90 degrees to you. Fractals are often used to create creative portrait photographs with soft edges or other abstract shots.
Time to go and share the light!
If you want to try something new in photography, you will definitely like the crystal prism . Taking pictures with her is a little difficult, but this is what makes the process really interesting. Right now the time has come to take the crystal prism in your hands and go to meet the experiments!
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