Pores are an essential part of the body that maintains the moisture and health of the skin, but due to the excess oil and dirt, the pores close and turn into large pores, and this causes an aesthetic problem.
Large pores are:
Large pores are formed at least once in a lifetime and disappear after a period of time. In some cases, large pores remain for life, and this is a major aesthetic problem on the face, cheeks and nose. Large pores are formed due to the secretion of excess oil in the pores, thus the pores are closed and dead cells are formed and can turn into acne if attacked by bacteria. Large pores usually form in adolescence, but they should be treated if they appear at an age greater than 20 years.
Treating large pores:
Large pores on the face, cheeks and nose can be eliminated in several ways, namely:
- Medical Herbs.
- The laser.
The most painful procedure for treating large pores, as the injection is applied directly to the affected area, and the affected area is numbed to reduce pain. The injection takes hours to show its effect, and during this time it will prevent the patient from chewing food for a day and exposure to direct sunlight.
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Herbs / Medicines:
Herbal medicines are available in the market and they are not painful, but they take more than a month to start healing. Medicinal pills are also available and the recovery period is faster than herbs, but these pills have very bad side effects.
You can get rid of large pores on the face, nose and cheek by using medicated creams. They must be applied to the face for a long time, and they may react negatively and harmfully if the skin type is not identical with the cream. There are many creams available in the market, it is essential to consult a dermatologist before choosing any cream for treatment.
Laser treatment for large pores :
A non-cruel way to get rid of large pores on the nose and its naturalness is permanent. The laser gun is used to create holes in the dead cells on the skin, so the large pores are affected, and this will lead to the healing of the affected area. The dead cells are removed and replaced with more new cells that give a smoother texture than the old skin. There is no time to stop before or after the treatment, and the patient can return to his work life after undergoing large pores laser treatment in Abu Dhabi.
For more information visit website www.ar.dermaclinic.ae