Five Pillars of Islam In Light of Quran and Sunnah
No religion in the world places as much emphasis on the welfare of its followers as Islam. In addition to giving moral guidance to its followers, Islam also provides ways and instructions to help the faithful to live life in the best possible way.
- Health is an integral part of the well-being of the faithful of a given religion. Without a doubt, the health of followers indicates the type of guidelines they follow. Therefore, Islam does not take this aspect of its followers lightly and tries to improve in different ways the health of its followers.
The five pillars of Islam, analyzed from a health point of view, help to improve the physical and spiritual health of those who follow it. Before explaining the functioning of the pillars in relation to physical and spiritual health, it is necessary to define the source of health and its deterioration in the light of Islam.
In the Qur’an, Allah Almighty says:
“All good things (O humanity) come from God. All the harm that comes to you comes from your own actions. “(4:79)
If analyzed from a health perspective, this ayah of the Qur’an indicates that Allah Almighty has given the best to humanity in the form of all things natural, be they constituents of the body human or the atmosphere in which we live. human manipulation of resources that causes the decline of health. The most obvious example is the growing pollution, the consumption of junk food and unhealthy foods, the adoption of an unnatural lifestyle, and so on.
- The lines below explain how the five pillars of Islam contribute to improving the physical and spiritual health of its followers.
There can be no spiritual stability in a person as long as he expresses his conviction in the authority of Allah Almighty and does not submit to be the Creator of the universe and the Lord alone . When an adept has this kind of belief, all the calamities and difficulties he has to face appear as light, because the adept is aware that Allah Almighty is at his side and he never lets down those who rely on him. Therefore, the reason why a Muslim should never be pessimistic, even in the worst conditions, is the fact that he believes in Allah Almighty and His mercy. Thus, a Muslim always finds the glimmer of hope even in the worst conditions that keep him spiritually healthy.
The second pillar of Islam is prayer. In addition to being a religious obligation that definitely raises spiritual health, prayer also helps to improve the physical health of a Muslim. The three attributes associated with prayer help to improve the physical and spiritual health of a person. A detail of these attributes is as follows.
- Ablution- Performing Wudu (Ablution) is a prerequisite for performing the prayer. A Muslim can not pray until he has practiced ablution. Performing ablution involves exposing all visible parts of the body such as the mouth, face, nostrils, feet, hands, and ears to the water, making them easier to clean. Therefore, when a Muslim performs ablutions five times a day before prayers, cleanliness is ensured and a Muslim removes the body from all the germs that accumulate if body parts are not washed regularly. Therefore, ablution before prayers improves hygiene and contributes to physical health.
Recitation of the Qur’an – For Muslims, the Quran is the ultimate source of guidance and constitutes an appropriate code of conduct for life.Now we can Learn Quran Online With Tajweed In addition to being a beacon of guidance, the Qur’an is also recited during prayers and this activity helps to improve a person’s physical and spiritual health. This is why Muslims insist on the Qur’an’s education for children, so that they are in good physical and spiritual health as they grow up. In the Qur’an, Allah Almighty says:
- “O humanity! He has come to you a directive from your Lord and a healing for (sickness) in your heart – and for those who believe in guidance and mercy! “(10:57)
This ayah makes it clear that the Qur’an is the cure for heart disease, which can be interpreted both literally and metaphorically. Research has been conducted on the effectiveness of reciting the Quran during prayer and its effects on the heart. With regard to the spiritual health of the heart, reciting the Quran during prayer undeniably contributes to the improvement of the health of the spirit.
Exercise – To pray, you need to adopt certain types of body postures. These body postures, considered from the point of view of the physical exercise, act on all the main muscles of the body. Therefore, practicing prayer five times a day is a physical activity and keeps the body healthy.
Islam gives the concept of Zakat (charity), which literally means to purify or purify. Although it apparently cleans a person’s wealth, it actually cleans a person’s soul and diminishes a person’s love of heart for material wealth and money, of which greed is the one of the greatest curses. .
Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam, and by far the best example of physical fitness for people who like dieting to lose weight. In addition to being a religious obligation, fasting helps a person cleanse the body of all the impurities that accumulate from eating all day. Moreover, in the month of Ramadan, during the fast, Muslims refrain from eating or drinking all kinds of things from dusk to dawn. Therefore, those who wish to quit smoking or control their excessive consumption of food, fasting is the best solution. Thus, fasting helps to improve the physical well-being of a Muslim.
The fifth pillar of Islam is Hajj. The activities that make up the hajj are the two that improve the physical and spiritual health of a Muslim. Prayers, the Tawaf of Kabah, the race between Saffa and Marwa, the universal gathering are all factors that improve the spiritual and physical health of a Muslim.
- In short, We can take Online Quran Classes and then recite it on daily basis. And Islam is not simply a prayer and moral obligations. On the contrary, Islam is a complete code of life and allows a Muslim to enjoy life in the best possible way, whether physical or spiritual.
May Almighty Allah help us all to enjoy life in the best possible state of health, both spiritually and physically. Ameen!