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Endoscopes, Laparoscopic Instruments & Endoscopic Instruments

Gerati: Endoscopes, Laparoscopic Instruments


Endoscopic Instruments

Gerati is pleased to confirm that we are the exclusive distributor in the Pakistan of the prestigious Gerati of laparoscopic and endoscopic instruments. Gerati manufactured precision and high-quality products. Gerati products are listed in the framework agreement of the NHS supply chain for laparoscopic instruments.

A few key features of the Gerati range are:
  • Handles and unique interchangeable work pieces.
  • Handle and rod design that gives extra stability and robustness
  • Custom designs to meet every requirement.

When you buy a instruments from Gerati, there is a one year warranty and, in case you need a replacement or assistance within that period, it is covered by the warranty provided. Gerati provides a repair and renovation service, with all the maintenance and modifications carried out by our team of highly trained technicians.

He knew that: We can perform the service and repair of any product you may have, made by highly qualified and trained technicians in the Pakistan at our head office based in Essex.

For what procedure would a surgeon need an endoscope? The insertion of a long, thin tube directly into the body to observe an internal organ or tissue in detail. It can also be used to perform other tasks, including imaging and minor surgery. Endoscopes are minimally invasive and can be inserted into openings in the body, such as the mouth or anus.

Custom-fit laparoscopic instrument designed to move with you.

Two-piece modular design and compatibility to fit dissectors, scissors and fasteners, a versatile laparoscopic handle for each laparoscopic surgery. ”

Thanks for reading the previous publication, if you need more help, do not hesitate to contact our specialized team at: +92 322 20 23555 or mail@gerati.com

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