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Does Damascus Steel Rust?

Yes, true makes Damascus steel rust knives. Even those with “stainless” engraving on the blade. Stainless color resistant color, not proof stain. And there is nothing surprising about that. From the definition of Damascus steel it is clear that high carbon steel layers of the pattern will be oxidised faster.

Therefore, special precautions must be taken. I personally recommend WD-40, vegetable oil or Vaseline on the blade to prevent rust. If it is a collectible knife that is not on an exhibition try packing it in oil soaked cloth. Otherwise try to stop the smallest tips on rust. Kitchen knives should be washed and dried without oils.

In any way, the blade made of Damascus changes colors with time as any Damascus steel hunting knives will. It will be dark with time and the beautiful ladder pattern will be contrasted. After all, that is why we love Damascus, who is not?

Why to Choose Damascus?

As the price tag on Damascus knives is small, it is a reasonable question to ask “Why do you choose these knives? I know, basically, that the people who love them or those who hate them are all people who have a knife. After all, this rule can be applied to everything.

But with Damascus it’s not that simple. The cool thing you find in addition to Eastern heritage aesthetics is uniqueness. As I said, the production process is very consuming. It is difficult not only to make a good and secure blade but also to achieve the planned ladder pattern. In the end, each knife blade will certainly have a unique pattern effect.

Maintain Performance

Secondly, Damascus steel knives have all well-maintained performance and cut edge. With a mixture of steel and hard steel particles on the cut edge it looks like a sharp, shape pocket blade. As it grows up it is like surrendering a Swiss army knife or any other budget blade. There is no need to block the purchase of huge expensive systems than paying a specialist to do the job.

There are many compact ceramic rods and it will help your Damascus knife to get edge quickly. Another option is the old leather box which is attached to a flat board. Just cover it with a diamond paste and easily sharpen the knife. The light steel on the edge throws away faster than the other high carbon components. So you get a miniature saw that goes through a material like a knife through butter.


That takes us to another very important point – the durability. It is not a secret that hunting requires reliable companion tools such as knives, guns, boots, such things. And the tendency I have been to follow the last few years. More and more hunters change to Damascus craft and hunting knives. For those who know the steel made from forgery we are talking about it, there is nothing new. Knives that use Damascus steel are tight and easy to sharpen. They don’t break you, they are good learners and they stay sharp for a long time. What else do you need from any knife at all?

Finally, the price. I know, many of you say: a crappy knife is a cheap knife Damascus. And I agree with you. But, like any other pocket or fixed blade, it shouldn’t be custom and super expensive. There are many good and functional knives at affordable prices. Boker, Spyderco, Bear & Son, Kanetsune, ESEE, Kershaw, and Damascus1 they make all high quality knives with Damascus steel. Of course, the price is higher on average, but it is worth some bucks on top and the bonuses you get.


Everything that is considered is still a matter of confidentiality for Damascus. With this review, however, I tried to fill some white spots, dig into terminology and history, the process of creating and making one of the most beautiful blades ever made. I hope it will help you remember to make up and choose the Damascus steel knife to suit your needs and your lifestyle. As always, wait sharply and wait for more articles.

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