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Domain names: ICANN crisis

The allocation of new suffixes, a prelude to the expansion of domain names, displeases most Internet players. Starting with the members of ICANN. Last November, ICANN gave the green light for the allocation of seven new suffixes:.biz,.info,.pro, name, .museum, and .aero. This decision revolutionizes the naming policy on the Internet, unchanged for fifteen years, and calls into question the virtual monopoly of Network Solutions (awarded by ICANN), which manages three large generic domains on the world wide (gTLD, or generic Top Level Domain), the. com,. net and. org. “The .biz domain, reserved for commercial sites, will become a quality zone within the Internet, unlike .com, which acts as a catch-all. For companies, the. Info domain will be in parallel a zone of institutional communication”.

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Opinions are mixed on the attribution of. biz

The registration procedures for these two new domains should start during the summer. Alternative to. com, the. biz arouses as much lust as questions. “Given the interest of our customers for this suffix, we expect a 300% increase in our activity”, Officially, the goal of .biz is to free the place for new sites, but it is obvious that the holders of .com will win all the .biz. ” Indeed, he recalls, companies will have the possibility, before registration, to register their brands with NeuLevel, the body responsible for managing this new area. This will pocket no less than 90 dollars for each registered brand name. NeuLevel’s stated objective is to protect intellectual property and prevent cybersquatting. In addition, the company has planned a draw system to decide between candidates requesting the same web address. “With the filing of brands and the draw, the allocation procedures remain unclear and NeuLevel was not very clear on this point. According to him, “the public is asking for suffixes with a precise meaning, like the biz, but, to pull too much on the rope, the ICANN could cause the fed up of companies incited to multiply the registrations defensive of their name “.

ICANN at the heart of all controversy

In discontent widely shared by the registrars gathered in Stockholm for the ICANN quarterly convention. This meeting took place against a background of crisis where the authority of ICANN appeared more disputed than ever, the allocation of new suffixes being a pretext for a sling. From the opening of the convention, national domain managers, or ccTLDs (country code Top Level Domain) voted unanimously to withdraw from the Domain Name Supporting Organization (DNSO), one of the three founding groups of the ICANN. Blaming the organization for its overly centralized management and recalling that they finance a third of the ICANN budget, they argued in favor of a new autonomous structure, where their point of view would be better taken into account. The managers of alternative domains, who criticize the organization for being slow in allocating new suffixes, also came to make their voices heard. Among them, New Net, a company which openly challenged ICANN last March, by announcing the opening of twenty new suffixes, such as. xxx,. web or. kid. Accustomed to attacks, ICANN stood up for the principle of controlled development of domain names. “Introducing new suffixes too quickly could affect the performance and stability of the Internet,” said Stuart Lynn, president of ICANN. But, he added, “the introduction of new suffixes this year is the first step in paving the way for other domain names”.

If you are in a hurry of the seven new domain name suffixes chosen by ICANN, two will be allocated from the summer. The introduction of. biz aims to define a business site, as opposed to. com too general. The management of these suffixes has been entrusted to new registrars. Network Solutions nevertheless retains its monopoly on. com and. net, at the cost of abandoning the. org. Registration companies are impatiently awaiting the arrival of these new suffixes. In view of the allocation procedures, it is not certain that the promise to redistribute ICANN will be kept. Even the organization’s quarterly meeting did not answer all of these questions.


Complex galaxies orbit the planet ICANN

  1. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the allocation of IP addresses, the allocation of domain names and the creation of new extensions.
  2. The technical and commercial management of gTLDs (generic Top Level Domain) has been delegated by ICANN to domain managers (or registry). Thus, NeuLevel was entrusted with the administration of the domain name database in. biz.
  3. The extensions specific to each country, called ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain), are administered by national domain managers, such as PKNIC in Pakistan, who are in close contact with their government.
  4. The registrars are directly accredited by ICANN. They manage requests for domain names and are in direct contact with the databases of domain managers.
  5. Many companies, not accredited by ICANN, offer the registration of domain names, among other services (hosting, creation of sites, etc.). The cost of registration is usually included in a package.
  6. Companies and individuals can request domain names from a registration company or directly from an accredited registrar.

Source : https://www.dmtwebhosting.com/

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