What is a Trunk Filter?
One of the most popular types of cleaning equipment is main filters. They are mounted directly into the piping system. The main characteristic of such models is high throughput. Every minute, depending on the model, they are ready to purify up to 50 liters of water. Therefore, they can be used not only in small apartments, but also in large private houses, various public institutions.
The main filter is mounted directly at the inlet of the pipe into the house, which allows you to receive the water that has been treated from all the taps. Such water filter for home protect against large pollutants, impurities of a certain type. However, it is not recommended to use water after cleaning with main equipment for drinking and preparing food, drinks. Thin water purification is still needed. Especially if it is supplied from a communal pipeline or not deep private wells.
Why is it so important to use trunk filters?
The use of main filters allows you to protect household appliances, plumbing, as well as the human body from impurities of the following type:
- mechanical – sand, silt, scale, rust, etc.
- hardness salts;
- excess iron;
- chlorine;
- hydrogen sulfide.
This pre-removal is very important, even if you use fine filters. After all, water used for domestic purposes, but not preliminarily prepared, can also have a negative effect on the human body. For example, during bathing, showering, skin and hair, respiratory organs will suffer from such types of pollutants as:
- mechanical particles;
- chlorine vapor;
- hydrogen sulfide;
- hardness salts.
Naturally, household appliances also suffer from it. For example, hardness salts are deposited in the form of scale on the heating elements of washing machines, dishwashers, etc. Which leads to their premature failure? Suspended particles can lead to clogging of taps, household appliances. And lead to damage to the fine water purification systems.
Varieties of trunk filters
There are several varieties of trunk filters. They are used depending on the type of impurities prevailing in water. Accordingly, they are called these pollutants.
- Softeners – aimed at ridding water of hardness salts and, accordingly, softening it. They operate according to the principle of ion exchange – water passing through the filler forcibly gives away hardness ions, and receives soft ions.
- Integrated cleaning systems – aimed at removing five major pollutants. Among which are ammonium, hardness salts, iron, pesticides.
- Iron-removing – fight against excessively iron-containing water.
- Hydrogen sulfide filters – do not think that an unpleasant smell is not a problem. In fact, hydrogen sulfide is dangerous! And you need to fight with him.
- Filters from chlorine and organics – activated carbon obtained from coconut shells is used as a filler in such models.
- Mechanical cleaning – remove suspended particles whose size exceeds 5 to 100 microns (depending on the model of the filter).
The main filters are available for both hot and cold water. For hot, equipment is mainly used to remove mechanical particles and hardness salts, as well as chlorine. That allows you to protect household appliances, heating equipment from damage by large particles, scale deposits and your body, hair from chlorine during bathing. The main difference between filters for hot water is that they are made from special raw materials. Such plastic is resistant to prolonged exposure to high temperature, does not melt and does not collapse for many years. Cleaning elements, loading is also resistant to high temperature. They are made of special polymers, so they retain their cleaning properties for a long time.
Note that the main filters use cartridges of various types and sizes. Be sure to consider this when choosing supplies to buy exactly the ones you need. The filters of the main type are designed to remove large impurities and preliminary water treatment. They do not make water suitable for drinking, but significantly increase its consumer properties. The catalog of presents a wide selection of main filters and consumables for them. Managers of the company will help you place your order and ensure prompt dispatch of equipment to the address you specify.
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