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Brushing Teeth, Cavities, Bad Breath… Misconceptions And Useful Gestures For Oral Health

For phobics of the noise of roulette, maintaining your teeth properly could avoid unpleasant visits to the dentist. You can protect your teeth by using dental crown. We provide best dental crowns in San Diego.

Bad breath is a sign of bad hygiene

True. Bad breath is linked in 80% of cases to a problem of poor hygiene, in particular to the presence of cavities and gum disease. Stomach or liver problems are not so commonly associated with bad breath.

We can do without toothpaste

True and false. We could do without it because for the most important thing, namely to remove dental plaque, it is the mechanical movement of the bristles of the brush that plays. However, toothpaste makes it easier to remove this plaque and it contains fluoride which strengthens the enamel of the teeth and makes them less susceptible to cavities.

Brush your teeth after each meal

False. The new recommendations are two brushings morning and evening for two minutes. After evening brushing, dental floss must be passed to clean the spaces between the teeth.

Chewing gum is bad for your teeth

False if the chewing gum is sugar-free. Chewing increases the production of induced saliva, which is very rich in bicarbonates which will neutralize the acids and minerals which remineralize the surface of the enamel.

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 You have to go to the dentist once a year

True. An annual check-up must be carried out, except in the case of specific general health problems such as diabetes or heart problems, which should encourage the taking of semi-annual checks.

Sweets cause cavities

True because bacteria present in the mouth absorb sugars, synthesize them and release acids which make micro-holes on the surface of the enamel. The repetition of the consumption of sweets is the most damaging: it is better to swallow a pack at once rather than several times throughout the day. And let’s not forget that sodas are particularly harmful because they are naturally acidic and demineralize tooth enamel, even if they are free of sugars.

Tobacco, coffee and tea make irreversible stains on teeth

These stains are not irreversible; they can be removed by descaling and polishing done by the dental surgeon. 80% of colorations can be removed quickly. For coffee and tea, rinsing your mouth with water immediately after drinking will eliminate the tannins on the tooth enamel.

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