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Industrial Ro plant

Today many industrial companies are installing industrial Ro plant . The method was based on a natural phenomenon. This refers to the membrane method of removing contaminants. The reverse osmosis method is able to completely solve cleaning problems in many areas of human activity. An example is the industrial system. reverse osmosis   boiling water purification, various technologies, nutritional uses and salt removal in seawater. Sometimes industrial systems are   called diaphragmatic drainage. During processing, the liquid is completely un-cleaned by the reverse osmosis method.

Use of membranes

In reverse osmosis systems, a porous membrane is used.   It is made of a thin film of composite material with many pores. Their distance should be transmitted only by water molecules, and the impurities should be preserved. Typically, industrial plants use a pore diameter of 0.0001 microns. In order for the cleaning process to begin, osmotic pressure must be provided – the water supply to the membrane surface so that the water molecules can pass through the pores. The purification rate of Treatment is directly proportional to osmotic pressure, water temperature range and salt concentration. Thus, in low-pressure osmosis, they provide a pressure of 6 atmospheres, and in the case of high-pressure osmosis – 15 atmospheres. Severe salt water, such as seawater, requires an operating osmotic pressure of 45 to 80 atmospheres.

In the reverse osmosis system, water is divided into two streams.

  • transparent or filter – purified water;
  • brine or concentrate – water that enters the drainage system or is additionally treated.

Industrial reverse osmosis plants:

Industrial  Ro plant are selected on the basis of working conditions. In addition, consider the operation of the system to ensure that this volume of water is purified. It is better to use expert advice individually. Notice the number of membranes, pump performance, degree of control, instrumentation and other necessary design parameters. The main task is to obtain the necessary transparency and its constant production for a certain type of object. The complex takes into account the initial and required water composition. For example, in the chemical industry, water has previously undergone mechanical and ion treatment, while in agriculture, mechanical filtration, aerobic oxidation, and water softening have been performed. The unit is mounted on a wall or vacuum cleaner. In addition, they can install UV disinfectant and water collection tank.

Reverse osmosis points

The industry has significant dual-stage filters for reverse osmosis. The cleaning fluid is fed to the first membrane. Next, the filter is sent to the second membrane block. The discharged water is completely decomposed or deeply dehydrated. It is used at some stages in the electronics and chemical industries.

The following rules apply when designing an industrial osmosis treatment plant:

  • Primary water purification and reverse osmosis formation are defined for the specific chemical composition of the water, purified water, and operating requirements.
  • reverse osmosis water treatment system should fully meet production needs.
  • all materials and ingredients must have a certificate of use in the food industry;
  • make the most of energy-saving technologies.
  • automatic management should be carried out in accordance with three criteria: time profile, volume of purified water, manual control;
  • During operation the pressure, water temperature, operating time, salt content, pH and other parameters should be monitored.
  • provides for the regulation of the concentration of trace elements in the filtered water, as well as the blockage in case of work or water quality disturbance;
  • The value of the productivity passport must be at all temperatures throughout the service life;
  • In the process of technical operation, installation and operation of the system, in general and its separate parts shall be described in detail.

The reverse osmosis system is based on the auxiliary framework. It not only affects the appearance of the system, but it is also needed to provide rigidity and durability. Proper layout of the system will facilitate installation, use and maintenance of all equipment. Usually, the frame can be adjusted to the height and move on the wheels. Multi-phase centrifugal pump, electromagnetic valve, pressure switch and membrane non-return valve are installed on the frame. A tachometer, pressure gauge, control cabinet and adjustable valve are installed in front of the frame.

A mechanical filter, an electric valve, a protective relay and a check valve are installed on the supply pipeline in the following order.

At the outlet point the pipeline is equipped with a safety valve and a conductivity meter. Reverse osmosis plants of industrial importance are   fully equipped and installed directly in the water supply.

Types of industrial plants

There are 3 design options. The construction of the membrane group depends on the ratio of the resulting water to the concentrate.

  • The first type includes low power installations up to 5 cubic meters per hour. In this way all elements of the membrane are mounted under a single pressure roof. Thus, maximum clarity and low price are achieved. Installation with a single membrane is done vertically, several horizontally.
  • The second type consists of average performance systems. All membrane elements are distributed in two parallel huts. The complexity of the system is justified by the great result. It can purify seawater. Install horizontal subdivision even in a number of cases.
  • The hardest point is the third one, which has excellent performance. It is distinguished by the supply of additional concentrate membranes: maximum permissible yield (up to 75%) of filtered water, energy savings, sewage emissions and water value. Extra membranes carry a heavy load as the concentrate contains more impurities. Consider cleaning or regenerating additional membranes to ensure uniform operation. This group has been able to manage and manage complex equipment.

The principle of industrial osmosis plant:

  • The removal of salts is due to the principle of reverse osmosis. Salt water is pumped into a semi-thin film under some pressure. This is necessary for the acceptance of water molecules and the preservation of salt ions and trace elements.
  • The performance of the membrane system does not equal the pump performance, but it is much lower. It is influenced by temperature and wastewater concentration.
  • Advantages of industrial reverse osmosis system
  • If sophisticated technologies or expensive equipment are used in manufacturing, the reverse osmosis method is quite appropriate.
  • As mentioned above, the system can be equipped with UV lamps, minerals and other necessary equipment.
  • The liquid is purified by 99% and will not harm either the human body or complex production.

Drawbacks of the reverse osmosis system:

  • Installation is powerless against chlorine gas and some organic matter. Due to small molecules, herbs, chlorine and other substances pass freely through membrane pores.

Today the question is raised about the dangers of using de-mineralized water in food.

As a result, the outlet fluid is only one third of the total volume of the supplied fluid. Industrial installation   consists of 3 units having a diameter of 1 8 m and height (cylindrical part) 3 4 m; A fourth unit may be installed. All devices are mounted on a steel structure to feed the dump trucks under them to unload unloading treatment, which no longer allows it to be reworked. The de-ionized water production plants (see Figure 2.4, points 4-6) consist of several columns made of organic glass and filled with ion exchange resins. After the first column containing cation exchange resin, a crushing container is installed, in which the purified water from the cations is purified by air to remove carbon dioxide. Membrane filtration using reverse osmosis is a technology that is increasingly being used in many water related organizations. Did you know for instance that reverse osmosis is now the most important technology for making fresh water out of seawater? For anyone interested in the fascinating world of membrane technology in drinking water production and industrial water treatment, this course will provide you with the fundamental knowledge to better understand the process and its applications. Your dependence on external advisors will be reduced and your ability to make decisions regarding investment and maintenance within the organization will be greatly enhanced.

Desalination techniques:

A major focus of the course will be the application of these technologies to desalination. Considering the growing needs for  freshwater  and the increasing need for affordable alternatives, the current trend is to use a desalination technology with the lowest energy consumption. Reverse osmosis membranes form the main energy-saving technology for seawater desalination compared to other desalination techniques.

  • By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Recognize and classify different types of membranes
  • Calculate the mass balances, recovery, rejection, pressure and water quality in a reverse osmosis (RO) installation
  • Describe the rejection mechanism of ions and organic compounds in the membrane system
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the application of RO
  • Explain different application of RO membranes (seawater, brackish water and freshwater)
  • Explain different water flows and their routing in a membrane module
  • Explain the particulate and biological fouling in the membrane
  • Explain the concentration polarization mechanism and scaling problem
  • Calculate an RO unit and design a treatment plant including the RO unit as the heart (seawater, brackish or freshwater)

Performance  evaluation  of reverse osmosis technology for selected antibiotics removal from synthetic pharmaceutical wastewater. Reverse osmosis filter without spare tank. Reverse osmosis without a storage tank. In tank reverse osmosis filters – purpose and device.


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