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Indications and Contraindications for Teeth Whitening

Changing the color of tooth enamel is a common reason for visiting a dentist. There are many factors that give teeth an unaesthetic color: intense smoking, eating drinks and foods containing coloring matter (coffee, pomegranate juice, etc.). Perfectly white teeth are generally rare in nature. To whiten tooth enamel and proudly give a dazzling smile allows teeth whitening. In the network of dental clinics “Zub.ru” the procedure is carried out by qualified specialists using advanced techniques and safe materials. Teeth whitening in dentistry is a procedure for changing the color of enamel with the help of hardware or the use of health-friendly whitening pastes, gels, enamels. It is possible to carry out bleaching at home or in a clinic.

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Indications and contraindications for teeth whitening

There are no medical indications for the procedure, but it does no harm if carried out under medical supervision. If a person is not satisfied with the color of tooth enamel and there are no contraindications to the bleaching procedure, you can contact the clinic.Among the contraindications are relative, which can be eliminated, and absolute.

The first group includes:


Hypersensitivity to hot and cold. Before bleaching, enamel strengthening therapy is performed. The presence of leaky seals. Indirect contraindications are poor oral hygiene and smoking, as these habits quickly reduce the results of the procedure to zero.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Oncological diseases of the oral cavity.
  • The age is up to 16 years when the tooth tissue is not yet formed.
  • Periodontal disease and other chronic diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Wearing braces (bleaching will turn out uneven).
  • Allergic reactions to whitening compounds.
  • If specialists do not recommend such a procedure, you can change the color of the teeth by installing veneers or crowns.

Home and Professional Teeth Whitening

There are teeth whitening systems for home use. They are picked up by a doctor. Such systems can be used independently. The cost of such whitening is lower than during the procedure in the clinic. But at home, the effect should be expected for several weeks, while in the clinic the result becomes noticeable after the first visit. One option for home whitening is to wear a cap. They are made in a dental laboratory using dental casts, filled with liquid gel with hydrogen peroxide and put on overnight. The effect manifests itself after 2-3 weeks. Custom-made mouth guards, unlike standard mouth guards, provide guaranteed uniform whitening.

In our clinic, several professional teeth whitening technologies are practiced:

The Air Flow method, which allows you to remove plaque in a short period of time. During the procedure, the teeth are treated with a pressurized mixture that removes plaque and improves color. ZOOM 3. The essence of the method is the use and activation with the help of a proprietary lamp of an oxygen-containing product, under the influence of which the teeth brighten by 8–10 tones. In the process of photobleaching, active oxygen oxidizes dark pigments.

Sometimes, to achieve the result, a combination of whitening technologies is practiced. Precisely to say which method is better, only a doctor can. The choice is determined by the difference between the initial and desired color of the teeth, the characteristics of the oral cavity.All systems and hardware used in professional whitening are certified and safe. The procedure is painless. During the period of work, we have carried out hundreds of teeth whitening procedures. Our patients leave the clinic with a snow-white smile and in a good mood. The benefits of treatment:

  • Equipping the clinic with advanced equipment.
  • Highly qualified teeth whitening specialists.
  • Reasonable prices in San Diego.
  • Advice on choosing a whitening method.
  • Dental care recommendations after the procedure.

Click Here: https://versaillesdentalclinic.com/

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