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Everything you need to know about teeth whitening

Teeth whitening san diego is interesting not only for coffee drinkers and smokers. Demand for this procedure is growing every year, and the proposal is not long in coming. How not to get lost in the variety of methods, to avoid unpleasant consequences and what to do with the new white teeth next – we ask the experts about all this.

What can be professional whitening?

Air Flow or hygienic cleaning of teeth from external plaque

This technique allows you to make enamel 1-3 tones lighter. In addition to safe enamel clarification, it is also a way to prevent diseases of the teeth and oral cavity.

Ultrasonic cleaning

First of all, the procedure is aimed at removing tartar and plaque, but thanks to this, the effect of tooth whitening is also achieved. Ultrasonic cleaning is often combined with the Air Flow technique, and together they give a decent result.

Chemical whitening

This implies applying a special whitening composition to the teeth. It has a strong concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which can cause tooth hypersensitivity. Therefore, such whitening is considered the least safe.

Zoom Whitening

Zoom technology allows you to whiten your teeth by 8-10 tones in one procedure. In addition, she has a couple of important advantages. Firstly, it is absolutely painless, and secondly, the whitening gel contains amorphous calcium phosphate, which begins the process of enamel recovery immediately during the procedure.

Laser whitening

The most efficient, but most expensive system. The main advantages of such whitening are the absence of any harm to the teeth and a significant strengthening of enamel due to laser exposure. This technique allows you to make enamel lighter up to 12 tones.

Photo whitening

The procedure is similar to laser whitening, but a special lamp is used instead of the laser. A single procedure usually does not allow to achieve the desired result, therefore, it is repeated (2-3 times). Photo whitening works most effectively on yellowish teeth, grayish whiten more difficult. Using this technology, enamel can be lightened by 8–12 tones. Basically, modern methods work by releasing active oxygen ions from a bleaching gel under the light of a special lamp or laser. Such ions act as an oxidizing agent for tooth pigment. Thus, the pigment of the molecule breaks up into small parts, and the tooth is depigmented. It works even on teeth dark from birth. In fact, we brighten those pigments that are laid in the tooth at birth.

Will it hurt?

The procedure itself is painless, but some may develop a strong sensitivity, which is expressed by a slight tingling on the teeth. This happens because the structure of the teeth is overdried because of their prolonged isolation from saliva. But after a few hours, the teeth become saturated with moisture back, and the discomfort disappears. “For sensitive teeth, a gentle and painless option for cold whitening should be chosen. And before and after the procedure, the teeth can be treated with a remineralizing composition – this will relieve lumbago,”adds Konstantin Pavlichenko, orthopedic dentist.

It is safe?

Modern drugs have a neutral pH and do not damage the enamel. If you want to make your teeth even brighter, you can repeat the procedure. However, there is a certain saturation point when the dentist realizes that all the pigments in the tooth tissue have become lighter. In this case, he will advise you not to continue whitening further. Otherwise, splitting of the tooth structure may occur, and this will be harmful.

Who should not whiten teeth?

The procedure is not recommended for children under 16 years of age, as they have not yet completed the process of forming enamel. Also, bleaching is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. If you have defects and damage to the enamel, then before bleaching it is necessary to strengthen it. Gum and tooth disease is also best treated in advance. If the front teeth have fillings, artificial crowns, or the patient wears braces, bleaching may turn out to be uneven.

How long will the effect last?

The result after professional whitening lasts an average of about three years. Maybe more and less: it depends on the anatomy of dentin and dentinal tubules, which have a genetically embedded shade. Also, a lot depends on the food preferences and bad habits of a person.

Is it possible to professionally whiten teeth at home?

After professional home whitening, the sensitivity of teeth increases sharply in most patients, gum burns, various inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues and oral mucosa occur. Therefore, it is important to remember that home whitening should be carried out under the guidance of a dentist. After the examination, having examined the condition of your teeth and the sensitivity threshold of enamel, the dentist will choose a whitening system suitable for you with the optimal percentage of carbamide peroxide. After that, he will make an individual mouthguard, which will sit tightly on the dentition, not allowing the whitening gel to flow out of it and damage the tissues of the oral cavity. Also, the terms of teeth whitening will be indicated for you, that is, the number of necessary exposures and the number of days. Additionally, your dentist will prescribe enamel firming products. All these steps are necessary in order to get a good result and not harm yourself.

Click Here: https://versaillesdentalclinic.com/

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