So you have a nice card deck. It may be a basic back rider, or a customized limited edition produced by a popular designer, and you have had to dig deep into your pockets to get it. Either way, you want to enjoy it, and you want to take care of it to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. So how should you care for your deck?
Click here : Custom Playing Card Boxes
First of all, it is important to understand that it is not essential to have a deck showing signs of wear, as you usually enjoy your deck and use it! But it is clear that you do not want to expedite this process more than is necessary. So is there anything you can do to preserve your deck, and is it as far as possible? As it happens, there is certainly, and you can start thinking about the recommendations made in this section.
Here are tips on how to care for a deck of playing cards, collected from the world of hard collisions, decks and past experience.
Good Playing Storage Cards
No rubber bands, please! We saw it all: deck playing cards, tightly secured with rubber band. Don’t do it. Why not? First of all, over time the rubber band will be brittle and pause. Worse, when you add some heat it is to melt, and pieces of rubber will be attached to your cards. Yuck! In addition, there is a risk that the rubber band will damage the cards at the top and bottom of the deck, as it puts pressure on these points. A rubber band helps keep your deck together, but it gives the cards themselves zero protection – and we can do better than that!
No pocket pants, please! Sure, it’s nice and warm, and it seems a safe place to put your cards. And sometimes you have no choice but to put a deck in your pocket. But think about it: a deck is pressed firmly against your body going up. It may be romantic, but when love is in the air, things can start to get warmer and hot, and this is a sure way to make your deck start fighting.
Pants usually push the deck when you walk around or even when you sit, and this can quickly damage the sweets box, or bend the whole deck. If you need to carry your deck inside a cloth, try placing it in a jacket pocket instead. And if you have to resort to pocket pants, try putting your deck inside a card clip or other deck or defendant case first.
Use the bag box. There is a reason why playing cards usually come in a sweetening box. Tuck boxes are certainly important for marketing and branding, and especially for a more classy deck with foil accents in the tuck box, they make a style statement immediately. But they also serve a very important and practical function in protecting your cards.
If you leave your cards out in the open, they are in danger of moisture, and they will also attract dust – and maybe even some other spiders not related to your deck! So use the box, and watch it! You can always duct tape to pack if you need! Remember that your ticket box is your first line of defense against enemies playing cards such as dust, dirt, and even against sunlight and humidity.
For more information visit our website: The Custom Boxes Printing