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Popular Hair Transplant Procedures


Overview of the hair transplant procedures most popular currently available, including technique, advantages, and signs of their use.

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Indications FUE

Patients who have the habit of shaking their hair

Patients with limited scope for the scalp (limiting factor for strip removal)

Patients with adequate hair density in the donor area

Unwanted patients line scar from them after stripping harvesting.

Advantages of FUE

Microscopes in the donor area are generally unpredictable

There is no need for sutures

In some cases, body hair can be removed, such as breast hair, for small FUE reconstruction.

Usually FUE is chosen for small and medium-sized baldness

In women, the rare donor distance makes a counterpart on FUE

The number of harvested harvests in any subsequent session is more difficult to predict accurately because of the FUE method it is harder to choose the best angle and the best orientation hairs planted. In a real post op, hooves are not hidden by a hair shaft. Another essential point is that there is no hair back in the donor area for harvested hairs.

After follicular transplant

Sometimes a bandage is applied for one night

Shampoo can be applied the next day

Swelling in the roof may be seen within 24–48 hours

Small crusts and implanted hair shafts will take about 7 to 10 days to drop out

New hair is expected to be dried 3 to 4 months after surgery

The final result can be considered 12 months after surgery.

New instruments for hair transplantation

The automatic FUE transplant may be recommended in the absence of any contrast on FUE. Compared to the normal FUE manual, the need for additional assistance is avoided. Both units remove follicular from the donor area and place them into the recipient’s area through a suction based system

The Robotic FUE is an interactive robotic system, computer-aided and physically controlled assistance that is used to remove FUE. Stereo cameras make angles and direction of each follicular unit measured and calculated precisely. All follicular units are then removed manually and the extraction follicles are manually added after processing.

Essentially, the main advantage of the Robotic FUE is the chance of human error occurring. The disadvantage is that it requires a long apprenticeship and a significant financial investment.

Indicators for micrograms

The goal is to achieve a harmonious balance between the aesthetic needs – taking into account the age, ethnicity and gender of the patient; evaluation of parameters for different classifications; what has emerged by the alopecia; capacity of donor area – and technical possibilities of surgery.

As mentioned earlier, indicators guide many parameters, such as the area and location of alopecia, the characteristics of the scalp and the hair, and the extent of evolution of alopecia.

Male androgenetic Alopecia

The buffer phase is graded to one of the three scheduled phases of the simplified classification.

An essential point is the number of transplant hairs required rather than the precise estimation of FU transplants.

Alopecia the eyebrows

The follicular transplant is a simple surgical technique that corrects the majority of the final eyebrow alopecia. The transplant is carried out under local anesthesia. The strip is separated under a microscope to obtain micrograms containing follicles or two. After completing all the tear needles, caring for the different orientations, micrografts are introduced smoothly to microscopic forces. It is easier to achieve refinements with the follicular unit for long hair. No dressing is necessary.

Alopecia the beard and the mustache

The alopecia of the beard and mustache are often present as a lack of facial hair due to the ethnic origin of the individual. Ethnic and religious wishes often require a closer concentration of hair in the beard or dish. This procedure is similar to the procedure performed on eye pressure and transplantation with hair follicular units or sometimes with FUE. In some cases FUE is made by removing body hair.


Follicular units for long hair, manual follicular extraction or motor (FUE), automatic FUE or robotic, and ordinary FUT, can solve most problems related to thinning hair (scalp, beard, or eyebrows) for men and women.

The appropriate follicular unit procedure should be selected according to the ethnic origin of the patient (Afro-American, Asian), donor area density, and baldness spread.

For more information visit our website Best Hair Transplant in Lahore, Pakistan

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