Home / Technology / Where is the relay in the refrigerator – Most replace the refrigerator relay.

Where is the relay in the refrigerator – Most replace the refrigerator relay.

Where is the relay in the fridge. Most replace the refrigerator relay, the most interesting in blogs.
In a modern refrigerator several breakages may occur; Users often complain of strange sounds when working with computers. The reason may be a minor problem: an incorrect installation or a serious malfunction. It may even be necessary to replace the relay in the refrigerator.

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The cost of such repair in the service center is quite high, so we will tell you how to perform the replacement yourself.
How to understand that the relay is broken?
If you hear clicks when the engine is started and the compressor shuts off immediately after starting, the cause may be a malfunction of the trip mechanism. When inspecting the parts you can see the contacts and terminals burned. In this case, the part needs to be replaced.
To carry it out correctly, you must understand how the relay works.
The start relay is used to turn the motor on and off. When the motor is gaining the necessary boost, the coil must be off, and for this to happen in a timely manner, a relay is installed. When the power supply increases, the start relay contacts are compressed, which causes the compressor to start. When the electricity drops, the contacts open and the engine shuts down.
There are two main types of starter relay:

  • The trigger in the form of tablets. Made of a material that expands when heated. When the temperature reaches a maximum, the contacts in the mechanism open, leaving the coil. To maintain a constant temperature in the winding, a choke is used. In the case of a malfunction, a device of this type changes position, the sound of scattered dust is heard.
  • Induction start relay. When a current is applied to the electromagnets, the contacts close, during the gradual reduction of the current, the contacts open.
    Sometimes there is a relay with a bimetal plate, which bends when electricity is applied, closing the contacts.

Before replacing, verify that the purchased part matches the type of compressor, as well as the brand and model of the refrigerator (Stinol, Biryusa, Atlant, Indesit, etc.). How much is the detail, that you can find on the internet?
It must be taken into account that the installation of the parts according to the type of coupling to the compressor may differ. There are two types of assembly:

  • The DHR start relay works with the DHM motor type. Piece fastened in a fixed frame.
  • The RTP type can be attached to the cable. Your current work is inferior to the previous version.

If you have already picked up a suitable part for your replacement, you need to study the stages of the work. Repairs are carried out in the same way for brands such as “Nord”, “Ariston”, “Indesit”, “Stinol”:

In some models, the trigger is screwed to the body. In this case, it is necessary to unscrew.
You can also replace the thermostat with your own hands, which serves to regulate the temperature. There is a part outside or inside the refrigerator. All you have to do is remove the protective cover by unscrewing the screws. After disconnecting the sensor from the body, you must separate the evaporator tube and remove the wiring.

Sometimes, instead of replacing a part, only a repair is required. For example, when the contacts are oxidized, it is enough to clean them so that everything works again.
Self-repair is easy, if you always understand everything. So you can save significantly on replacement. However, if you are not sure about the task, it is best to contact the teacher to avoid compromising the operation of the refrigerator.
The refrigerator had been running for several years, it worked correctly, there was no complaint about it, but sometimes a slight click was heard coming from the engine area. The refrigerator creaked, but it stopped, and he continued working. Probably half a year cracked before it suddenly stopped working. The inner light was burning, and the cold was gone.

Open the engine compartment of the refrigerator and find the cause of failure

Outwardly, everything is normal, all contacts are not rusty or dark, although there is a lot of dust, but does not affect oxidation. Aspirate and continue dismantling, you should check the refrigerator relay.

All the connectors of the relay are disconnected quite easily, since it rests on two screws, unscrew them and remove the relay. On the relay, unscrew the two screws at the top and remove the top cover.

Now we remove a rotor and then remove the metal plates with a winding, which can be easily removed in its entirety.
When applied to the AC winding, the rotor begins to vibrate and rotate, and the entire gear mechanism rotates behind it.

When applied to the AC winding, the rotor begins to vibrate and rotate, and the entire gear mechanism rotates behind it.

Now unscrew the two screws that were under the coil (in the photo above, they are already unscrewed) and remove the box along with all the gears. Now we see the contact group of the relay and the gear that closes / opens.
The contact pads are almost completely covered in black flowers, and there is also a dark spot around, as you can see in the photo. We take out these three platelets.
We clean the contact pads with sandpaper or something that can be scraped.
We place the pads, the gear, the gear with a large number of gears, the metal plates with a winding, the rotor and the top cover. The relay is cleaned, and again ready to work in the refrigerator.
They realized at the end of the month, when they looked at the counter. Instead of the usual 140 coil 230 kW. And only then did he realize: and the refrigerator threshed and threshed.
The topic of today’s lesson is “Replacing the NORD refrigerator thermostat”. Three cameras I do not know the models; I did not find a passport. But the thermostat or thermostat or thermostat, however you like, is in every refrigerator. No, of course, there are characteristics of the placement of the automation unit. But the thermostats themselves are often the same model. And those models – one, two, and obchelsya. One of the most popular thermostats is the TAM 133. I discovered it when picking up the automation unit before going to the market for a new one.
Why a thermostat? Right. The reasons for not turning off the compressor are different. But in the freezer, everything was frozen and the kvass, which was in the big chamber, had its teeth washed. In addition, the evaporators of both chambers were covered uniformly with frost. And this means that the freon in the system, nothing leaked and did not clog. Now another thing is that the compressor due to a decent age in such heat could not provide the temperature needed to turn off the relay. Standard TAM 133 for this need minus ten. Again, the network voltage is very low. All divisions included. Measured – only 198 volts. So you do not have enough compressor power. I tried to tighten the relay to zero, it still did not turn off.

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