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How to Clean and Organize Your Refrigerator

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An organized and clean refrigerator means less searching for food, so be prepared and write.
a shopping list is faster and less food is wasted (and less money). Your risk of food borne transmission
the disease is less because the food will stay colder, the raw meats will not drip on other foods, and
There is less risk of deterioration.

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Here are the steps:

  • Turn off the refrigerator and unplug.
  • Remove everything. Discard old or spoiled food.
  • Perishable food should be placed in a cooler to keep it cold.
  • Remove shelves and drawers; wash with hot soapy water, rinse with clean water, and dry.
  • Wipe inside interior and bottom of refrigerator.
  • Replace shelves and drawers. As you put back the food, wipe off the jars and containers.

Tips for organizing and proper food storage:

If the refrigerator has a special meat drawer, use it to keep raw meat, seafood, and poultry away from
Other ready-to-eat and perishable foods to prevent cross-contamination. If there is no special drawer, keep
These foods in a pan on a lower shelf to prevent juices from dripping on other foods.
Milk, yogurt and cottage cheese can be stored together on a shelf in the refrigerator. Keeping these in the
The door is not recommended because they are exposed to hot air when the door is opened and this
make them spoil faster.
The eggs should be stored in their cardboard box on a shelf, not in the door (for the same reason above)
Sauces and condiments can be kept together at the refrigerator door. If they are at the door, they are
easy to see, which reduces the chances of the same being bought many times.
Have a designated shelf for leftovers and make a plan to use them. Freeze if you will not use
in four days Remove leftovers from plates, plates, pots or pans and place them in clear plastic containers.
Before storage in the refrigerator. Label them Turn the oldest leftovers to the front. This will save space and
reduce the chances of leftovers being pushed into the back of the refrigerator and forgotten.
Store bottled or canned drinks in a pantry or closet and chill with ice when necessary. Is
It will free up space for food that must remain cold. Refrigerated juices and open juice bottles should be
cooled. If space is a problem, they can be transferred to smaller, more transparent containers.
Use aluminum foil, plastic wrap, plastic bags or airtight containers to pack food to store in the refrigerator. The moisture and vapor proof materials are the best.
Clean the outside of the refrigerator and remove dust and lint from the front grill. Clean condenser coils to remove dirt and lint.
Follow the same steps for the freezer. For the freezer I also make a list of what’s in the freezer so I can put items in
My menu list and use them.

Check the temperature of the Refrigerator or freezer.

Store food in cold temperatures. From 34 ° F at 40 ° F is the best. Food stored at temperatures above 40 ° F spoils quickly. Freezer refrigerator Thermometers can be purchased in hardware and big box stores.

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