3 ways to integrate TV advertising into your digital strategy
Amazon led the seismic shift from brick and mortar shops to e-commerce. Customers now expect free shipping and overnight delivery with Amazon Prime, and the comfort level of shopping has never been higher.
For years, Amazon had competitors. But no one can compete with e-commerce tycoons anymore. About 34 percent of online sales in the United States come from Amazon, and by 2021, that number is expected to rise to 50 percent.
Despite this shift from physical stores to the world of the Internet, there are no signs that digital content will dominate other forms of media in the advertising world, which is why you need to integrate TV advertising into your strategy. TV is still the best bet for the marketer to hit a large audience despite assurances that the TV has died.
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TV is still alive and well
Some modern marketers focus only on digital channels, but online marketing efforts often reach an early plateau. Targeted ads on websites and online media reach only a specific group of customers, and the product or service ends only to people who specifically search for that product or competitor.
On the other hand, the TV reaches a much larger audience to expand your reach. In a CBS study of 315 brands, when viewed both for TV campaigns and digital campaigns, the average target was 67 percent. But once you disassemble it by campaign, only 5 percent saw digital ads, 9 percent watched a mix of digital TV, and 53 percent watched TV ads.
Some marketers dismiss TV ads as a gun approach with no targeting, but with more advanced data support and television models, this is no longer true. Through VOD, OTT, and addressable options, the TV can reach audiences, scroll down and market one by one.
“You can not reach all the people all the time through digital technology alone,” says Shoktalk chief marketing strategist Sucharita Mulpuru. “In some crowded markets, traditional methods are sometimes very important for word growth and awareness.”
Combine and Conquer
The best marketing campaigns use a range of marketing tools. Digital is great in communicating with a tight audience. He can identify a loving mother of yoga who likes to eat organic foods; then, she can give her very specific ads. But customers do not buy things just inside the box and set by the standards. That’s why Internet marketing campaigns are having trouble creating a critical mass and expanding their message and audience.
Starting a digital campaign, especially for e-commerce brands, is a good way to learn your core customer and grow through the early stages. Information collected through online tracking is incredibly useful when combined with your TV.
Here are three tips for e-commerce professionals who want to use TV marketing to drive businesses to their online platforms:
1. Be Consistent
Consistency is the key when combining TV campaigns and digital campaigns. When a viewer sees a TV spot and shows the Google brand name, the website being displayed must have the same look, feel, and messaging as they just saw in the ad. TV is a huge engine for the web, so do not treat these new customers differently.
Offers and products must be equally consistent. Whether a customer is from a link, a Google search, or a phone call, a TV client like the customer must be treated online.
2. Be Direct
Do not be shy about telling customers what to do. In television advertising for an online brand, viewers must know where to sign in, why they want to, and what they will get when they do.
The ad can (and must) remain creative and unforgettable, but it needs a purpose. Viewers should not guess what a brand is selling, and it’s possible to create a “very cool” ad. An attractive new ad is useless if you leave viewers confused.
3. Look at the Big Picture
TV ads add credibility, and allow you to present and explain your message to a broad audience. TV ads will also help drive social and digital campaigns.
Once your customers find your brand through a TV ad, they’ll move to social networks and digital spaces. Again, the website must be consistent with the credibility that is generated through TV advertising. A confusing or difficult web site will lose the buyer’s motivation.
The viewer works based on desire, so be careful not to slow the momentum. A potential buyer can leave as quickly as it came out in the end, and not search for the item or service. At the end of the day, digital television and television campaigns should be promoted that are well executed each other.
Some marketers make fun of TV ads, believing them to be “traditional” so they can not succeed in an increasingly digital world. But television is not a “traditional” medium – it is an established means of survival. Internet marketing has its benefits, but it works better as part of a common approach. After all, if your ads are only showing outside of your store, you’ll never find any new customers.
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