Home / Medical / Vampire Face Lift using PRP in Pakistan

Vampire Face Lift using PRP in Pakistan

Vampire Face Lift using PRP in Lahore, Islamabad, Multan, Karachi, Peshawar

Traditional facial surgery removes excessive areas of lost skin on the chin, neck and jewels, stretches skin back and up and cuts excess skin around and behind the ears to mask the resulting scars . Many patients are not good candidates for such an intervention because they require local or general anesthesia and are literally a “surgical procedure”, regardless of its size, but it does include some of the risks inherent in any surgical procedure. Skin rejuvenation, but are not full candidates requiring the removal of slightly sagging towels or necklines / jaws. In the latter form of facelift, a portion of blood called platelet-rich plasma or PRP is used to rejuvenate and restore PRP is widely used in wound healing over the last 10 to 20 years, based on the principle that Human blood particles called platelets produce specific growth factors that help wounds heal quickly. Platelets are the specific type of blood cells that are a major source of many growth factors and may also help stop bleeding, so their low level in Dangue fever can cause dangerous bleeding. For more than two decades, the medical research community has recognized the production of many valuable growth factors. This role is now exploited as a rejuvenation of the facial skin in the form of Vampire Face Lift.

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PRP in Pakistan

Although the PRP in Pakistan for hair restoration has become very popular recently, Vampire Face Lift is starting to gain popularity in the cosmetic dermatologist community due to the fact that it does not require any cuts or incisions and that such a facelift is a “morning lift”. And can be performed in less than 30 minutes as a clinical entry and exit procedure without hospitalization or anesthesia.

In Vampire Face Lift, we will take a small amount of blood from your arm or hand in exactly the same way that you give blood for your laboratory work in any laboratory. We will then treat this small amount of blood using specialized equipment to separate platelets from other components of your blood and we will also focus the amount of platelets. This plasma or this portion of liquid blood without any other cells but only concentrated platelets will be injected into certain areas of the face, around the hollow eyes (circles for the eyes) and even on the neck to give you a younger look without having to go through. Any extensive surgery. But beware, this facelift vampires cannot reverse all forms of aging, as falsely claims many websites and newspaper advertising. Only a qualified cosmetic, dermatological or cosmetic surgeon can assess the type of facelift you may need and guide you in choosing the best treatment option. Please call our dedicated phone line at 0301 4923336 to learn more about the Vampire face Lift or make an appointment with our best plastic cosmetic surgeon in Lahore, Pakistan.

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