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Paediatric neurologist

A pediatric neurology specialist has seen patterns of sleep disturbances rooted in childhood. He reminds parents, as well as other adult family members, to discipline their children or wards regarding sleep schedules.

gncdubai at Dubai Today the daily sleep hours recommended by the American Academy of Paediatrics – including nap times – for infants up to age 18:

Ages four to 12 months – 12 to 16 hours

Ages one to two years – 11 to 14 hours

Ages three to five – 10 to 13 hours

Ages six to 12 – nine to 12 hours

Ages 13 to 18 – eight to 10 hours.

Alsayouf has observed since the mid-2000s that youth have fallen victim to otherwise avoidable physical and mental stress due to an over-orientation to all media platforms – including before bedtime – and therefore sounded the alarm that children should sleep eight to 16 hours a day, depending on their age group.

He said, “Yes, insomnia and sleep problems can run in families like any other disorder.”

Among Alsayouf’s patients with sleep disorders in the UAE and U.S. suffer from “poor attention, hyperactivity, depressed mood, anxiety, aggressive behavior and poor cognition or learning ability.”

Long-term negative consequences include “poor (eating habits), sedating behavior, obesity, reduced immunity, stunted growth, depression, suicidality and substance abuse.”

Alsayouf, who is also a qualified epileptologist (an expert in epileptic and other types of seizures), chose pediatric Neurology Dubai (the management of adolescents who experience challenges affecting the nervous system, spine and brain) because pediatric neurological patients “tend to be chronic patients, accounting for nearly 11 percent of all chronic cases in children (and) require ongoing support and treatment.”

He emphasized the good number of hours of sleep that would put children of all ages into the rapid eye movement (REM) state.

REM is associated with increased production of proteins, similar to deep sleep, which stimulates all parts of the brain, promoting normal brain development.

According to Alsayouf, “Studies in recent years have shown that conventional electronic devices (including the television) negatively affect sleep.”

He observed that “sleep patterns are getting worse nowadays because of the media children are even encouraged to use (including before bedtime).”

Consequently, children find it difficult to doze off due to two things.

First, the “rays from these media, especially smartphones and tablets, impede the flow of the melatonin hormone needed for sleep.”

Second, children are agitated, so they can’t get into the REM stages of sleep.

Alsayouf said parents come to him for these problems and concerns: “I always try to remind them and stress that sleep hygiene is very important.”

Regarding naps, Alsayouf pointed out that infants and children should take them for a maximum of two hours a day.

However, this needs to be reduced as they get older, but they need to be in bed from eight at night until six in the morning the next day.

He encourages or even recommends that school authorities allow children to sleep for 30 minutes after lunch.

Alsayouf argues, “Sleep is essential for good health. For young children to get enough of it, some sleep during the day is usually necessary. Naps are important because they aid in growth and rejuvenation, prevention of fatigue and stress, as well as physical and mental development, regulation of emotional, cardiovascular and metabolic functions, and breakdown of cellular toxins.”

Adults would also benefit. When children sleep, adults would have their own “me time” as well as time for chores and other responsibilities.

For more info visit our  Neurology hospital in Dubai


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