Ruptured breast prosthesis is a possible complication of breast enlargement with implants. This can occur on both saline-filled prostheses and silicone gel prostheses. Expert from Jimy Medical explains how to tell if your breast implant is pierced by breast augmentation surgical instrument set and especially what to do.
Breast implant rupture: what is it?
Breast surgery can take different forms: breast lipo filling, breast reduction, breast augmentation with prostheses, etc. In the latter case, the goal is to increase the volume of the breast through the placement of implants.
It can happen that these break. However, this is a very rare phenomenon, especially since the replacement of prostheses filled with physiological saline by new generation silicone implants.
The causes of a breast implant rupture
Different factors can promote the rupture of implants. First of all, there is the time factor which plays an essential role. The older the prosthesis, the greater the risk.
The rupture of an implant can also follow a violent trauma or be the consequence of a capsular contracture (or breast shell), of a compression during a mammogram, of damage caused by surgical instruments or from overfilling or under filling prostheses with saline solution.
The consequences of a pierced implant
A breast implant rupture takes the form of a tear or a hole in the outer shell of the prosthesis. The consequences may therefore vary depending on what it contains.
Rupture of a breast implant filled with saline solution
In the case of deflation of an implant filled with saline solution (physiological serum), it will deflate more or less quickly. The saline solution will then escape from the envelope.
However, the fluid will naturally be absorbed into your body and will not cause any complications except for unsightly breasts. When a breast implant filled with physiological saline ruptures, deflation of the prosthesis is rapid and generally complete. The diagnosis is therefore easy and most often carried out by the patient herself.
Rupture of a breast implant filled with silicone gel
This is not the same process with a ruptured breast implant filled with silicone gel, which is thicker than physiological saline. The phenomenon often even goes unnoticed until a certain stage. This is because the silicone gel remains in the envelope or in the scar tissue formed around the prosthesis (intra-capsular rupture). Only an imaging test can detect the abnormality.
If the gel diffuses into the body, the patient may experience different symptoms: breast pain or tenderness, tingling, numbness, swelling, change in breast size or shape, development of lymph nodes in the armpit, hardening of the breast.
What to do if breast prosthesis breaks and leaks?
Any change in the texture or shape of the breasts should alert patients, as should the appearance of waves, hulls or abnormal elements. Regardless of the stage of denture rupture, you may consider replacing them or simply decide to remove them. Note that it is sometimes interesting to replace the volume of implants with an injection of autologous fat.
In addition, be aware that if the placement of breast implants is only very rarely covered by Health Insurance, the resulting complications, such as a silicone gel leak or an imminent threat breakage, are covered.
Breast prosthesis rupture or leak: focus on prevention
Certain control examinations are important to anticipate the risk of a leak. If in doubt, more in-depth examinations are prescribed, such as an ultrasound or mammogram. It is in all cases essential to change breast prostheses every 10 years.
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